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The Orthodontist

All information about Orthodontist

Everything You Need to Know about Treating an underbite

Under Bite is typically not a very tough situation that you can’t handle it is usually characterized by the lower teeth that extend outside incomparably than the front teeth. This condition is also known as prognathism.


It creates a bulldog-like appearance and in a few cases, underbite problems can be severe causing lower teeth to extend far forward. While having underbite issues Patient faces difficulty during eating and chewing food. The underbite The Patient will experience mouth and face discomfort due to misalignment of the jaw.


Different causes can develop under bite such as childhood habits. Some childhood habits like thumb sucking, pushing on teeth with the tongue, orthodontist excessive use of a pacifier and long term feeding. Underbite problem can be inherited that creates impacted, abnormally shaped, or that don’t fit together properly. Most of the time having a severe injury also causes permanent damage to the jawbones. Often it’s possible to repair this problem and most of the patients have to go through surgical treatment for getting rid of this situation.


For Home treatment, you have to brush and floss your teeth daily and ask your orthodontist to guide you about special care of teeth to prevent any further damage and decay. Medical treatment is one of the best ways to correct an underbite or misaligned teeth correctly, In case of severe issues, your orthodontist will guide you about the use of wire, braces or any other medical treatment to get rid of this problem.


In more severe cases of underbite, a dentist may recommend surgery to correct the condition. If your child is facing severe underbite issues especially due to birth defect then you have to plan about the early surgery to give your child quality of life or ability to eat, breathe, or speak.

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